Abstract Thursday - Shapes

Ingeborg recommended that we google "form abstract photography" for inspiration for today's AT challenge of "shapes". I'm glad she did as it set me off experimenting.

I chose to go for a mix of shapes. The circle is a long rolled up tube of paper stood on its end on our first floor landing: I positioned two torches on the floor either side of the tube to illuminate it. Below that you can see the banister rail, some of the spindles and other parts of the staircase.

I went for monochrome as the colours produced too much of a distraction from the shapes and textures.

Thank you Ingeborg - I had great fun messing around with this!

(Are arty-farty creations supposed to "say something" about the world? - I'm never sure. If this says anything it's probably just that I have a slightly zany brain! Or as the quote on our kitchen clock says, "I'm not crazy - my reality is just different to yours"!)

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