The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Tropical birds puzzle

I've had a headache all day. Snapped this puzzle, which I finished last night, and started another. Did a few essential things, including ordering a new printer. I had great ideas a month ago, that involved a printer. At the time, all the models I might have wanted were stuck in a slow boat from China. Now they've arrived, and I've decided I want a different model. At least, I think I do. And the projects all seem less urgent...

I guess this is lockdown blues. I sent an email to many people, bcc, using Outlook on Office 365. It took me ages to figure out how do it correctly. I keep forgetting. Does anyone else hate having to use office 365 for work emails? Two of my workplaces demand it.

After that I was tired and still had a headache despite the the paracetamol, so I went to bed and watched the news, but accidentally fell asleep. This half term has been a bit of a blur. At least I've had some walks, and talks and sunshine, but today I only walked as far the letterbox. I posted a card to a veteran of the Korean war, who will be celebrating his 90th birthday in lockdown. He fought with the Glorious Glosters regiment at the Battle of the Imjin river, and his story was featured on local news last night.

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