Lockdown hat and mask #19

A geometric little number paired with green.
Today is another happy relaxed day. Yesterday was just the opposite!
On Wednesday night/Thursday morning  I woke up at about 2 am and simply couldn’t get the research notes for my portfolio out of my head. They resembled advanced research notes for a PhD or something more complicated. I couldn’t get back to sleep until I resolved to give up the whole idea of being a guide. Yesterday morning I  realised that if I did that I wouldn’t be able to order polo shirts in a myriad of colours with the BGGAG logo so set about ordering some plain polo shirts online. How complicated should that be? Well it seemed to be about the equivalent of a Masters. I finally found some in colours brighter than beige, grey or black from someone who actually deducted VAT but when I finally got all through the form filling and just about ready to press the confirm button; up popped a note that said sorry there are no couriers in your area! What! We’re crawling with couriers!
So back to Plan A. I contacted my mentor who explained how simple the task was. I have all the necessary details and will be able to compete the portfolio in well under an hour.
Note to self; stop over thinking things!
Last night I dreamed in was on a date with The Beast from The Chase. Must stop eating cheese at bedtime...

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