Hanullis Tree Project

By HanulliTree

Joe Tree Day 2021

Thank you Joe Tree for this wonderful and unique site!

I also want to thank you all for all your encouraging comments, hearts and stars for my 100th HanulliTree blip. You are an amazing bunch.
And again I'm late with posting this entry. Blimey, will I ever get this in time?
So this is H0tamer and Omo with the HanulliTree in the background.
Even it looks close, there is still a valley between them (between H0tamer+Omo and the tree, not between Omo and H0tamer ;-P ). 
We are very happy that Omo can walk so far again. To the tree itself is still a problem, because the paths are too steep and too painful for him. (He has an unoperated second cruciate ligament tear). But I am confident that we can go back there soon.

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