Down To The Wire

Phone the doctor first thing.
Appointment made.

Doctor seen, trip to hospital, X-rays taken, trip to chemist and tablets obtained, home ............. all in an hour.

Now a week to wait to find out if anything has been found.

Bought some of those over hyped doughnuts and visited Costco for one or two minor items and came out with a much lighter wallet (I can't resist their steaks and cheese).
Snapped the reflection in the car roof while waiting on SWMBO coming back with the giant hotdogs and drinks.

Took the Cygnet to watch the planes.
Couldn't help thinking the perimeter fence reminded me Auschwitz. It even had a lad making a break for freedom (he made it by the way).

Not sure if the abstract mud patterns works.
But I think the con trails do (There were two crosses next to each other but this was the better one)

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