The Pepper Patch

By PepperG

Prayers and Hot Rod Letters

You probably remember I told you that I was writing my nephew to support him as he goes through a chemo/radiation protocol, using our shared interest in vintage and custom cars. Mine photographing the details of shiny paint and chrome, his the joy of working on an old knuckle-buster.

Today, when C's appointment with the eye specialist who is treating her MD (wet) was moved up to this morning, I brought one of my big boy cameras with me knowing there was a garage across the street that should provide opportunities for a pic (above) or two (extras). I wasn't disappointed and luckily my Lumix bridge camera has enough reach so I didn't have to risk life and limb crossing four lanes of heavy traffic.

Take care folks, be safe, and many thanks to those who offer up prayers and healing thoughts for Mike.

... and the adventure continues.

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