...........of Grange-over-Sands

It doesn't quite have the same ring as "Seville" does it!!!

Pretty yucky weather this morning so I decided to open Flayvia's Barber Shop.  Hubby and G's hair had started to get too long.  Well G's mostly as Hubby doesn't have a lot, but this his neck was getting quite furry and as I don't want to be married to a werewolf, thought I'd cut if off!!!  I've added a collage of the Before and After for both for your enjoyment tee hee hee (Hubby is the top with little hair of course)!!!

That is all I'm doing today apart from some photography stuff.

I will now go and catch up on your blips.  Please stay safe and take care all, Lockdown could start to be slowly lifted soon, but we don't need to all go rushing around just yet.  

I still haven't had the phone call about my innoculation yet.  Hubby said the signs weren't up when he went down to get a paper this morning, but they were doing the yesterday, so I guess I will just have to be patient (any excuse as I'm dreading it as you know!!!!).

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