
By Beinghere

Come on Mum.....Get up

I had breakfast in bed this morning. Much to Geordie’s disgust. He went back and forward bringing me his balls until he realised it wasn’t going to work so he just rested his head on the bottom of the bed and moaned.
Feeling much better today. So we had a walk around town. Noticed quite a few strangers walking around. Some of the holiday homes are occupied. Why can’t people just follow the guidelines. We have had very few cases of COVID in this community so I become quite irritated when I realise there are visitors from Edinburgh and Glasgow and even further afield. What’s that saying “ you can’t legislate for idiots”. It’s so true.
Anyway, moan over. When we came back from our walk I still felt fine so got stuck into the garden and did some clearing up. Very satisfying.

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