
By Ferjen

More spring flowers

Back to home schooling today. Ivy did well and mostly concentrated. Bea went to preschool. John at work but he is off for the rest of the week doing little jobs around the house.

Got an email from my boss asking if I was OK as I hadnt replied to his email accepting my resignation. He sent it early evening on Saturday at 5pm to my personal email which annoyed me a little and so that is why I had intended to wait until tomorrow when I was back at work to reply.

Spent some time looking at courses today. I want to do a few courses to broaded my experience a bit before I start applying for new roles. I've become a bit niche in the last few years only doing personal tax so need to broaded my knowledge again and show recruiters that I am up to date in other areas. Seen a few I would like to do, but got to decide which to choose.

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