
By strawhouse

The River

Mr K and I walked into town. It wasn't looking as flooded as last time we walked down there. I'm glad to have got Mr K in the habit of walking down most lunchtimes - it's at least a two mile round trip and hideously uphill on the way back so it's good for him. Otherwise I'm pretty sure he'd never leave the house!
The rest of the day was spent half-heartedly writing my book. I write a few words, read the news, write a few more words, tinker with words I've already written, chat to people on Facebook or Whatsapp, write a Blip, read some Blips, check eBay, write a few more words....... And on it goes!
Mrs L said today wouldn't it be great to say I wrote a book in Lockdown. At this rate we'll be locked down for the next deadly pandemic to sweep the world and I still won't have finished my book!

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