The Whale

I went and got the Sunday papers first thing! So for the second day running we sat looking out at the sea, drinking cups of tea. And much later I did my usual walk around the place, past the attractively named Whale Brae. There is much excitement in the neighbourhood as a whale has indeed been spotted. A humpback whale has been frolicking up and down the deep water channel for a couple of weeks now, clearly visible to those with big lenses. Known as Barney to whale watchers apparently, it was off Coll last year. 
What goes on in the great covid world, MrP? Well, here in the north, the number of new cases seem to have levelled out - the seven day average bumping along at over 800 for the past fortnight. How the declared intention of the administration to get as close as possible to zero covid can be achieved, isn’t clear with the current methods. Other than waiting for the summer. Or  vaccinating absolutely everyone, I guess. The vaccination numbers which were climbing so steeply (60k just ten days ago) have declined sharply to under 20k as we've hit some supply constraints. No blue letter yet! 

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