Impossible Sky

This is another shot of the bridge at Blumham, apparently of 17c origins – there are some interesting details on the Wikipedia page.

Today was supposed to be a packing day for me, trying to rationalise and make logical the packing of my office and various accoutrements that I haven't used for over ten years (I'm not throwing them away . . .) but I foolishly mentioned to Mrs B that I might take down some of our coloured glass lights and she took me at my word.  I then spent most of the day trying to remove our stuff and put up fitments that would be adequate for our purchasers.  At one point I had to accept telephone guidance from our electrician when I mis-wired a ceiling rose; he was very patient with me.  I have long found house electrical wiring a mystery – I understand circuits, and connections, but the loops in 240v mains are dark arts.

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