East Farleigh Bridge and Marina

The car went for its annual service today which meant a drive to the other side of town.

We took advantage of being somewhere different to walk from Barming to the River Medway and along the riverbank past East Farleigh and on to Fant Lane where we turned back the way we’d come to save walking up through the closely packed houses to complete the circuit.

Today’s blip is through one arch of the very old East Farleigh bridge to the marina beyond. It’s taken through the nearest arch on this link. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Farleigh_Bridge

By the time we got home and had lunch there was only an hour or so before we had to go and collect the car. We squeezed in a bit of food shopping at M&S for Doreen, I bought a new tyre for my bike, some wood to repair the allotment shed and Susan bought a washing up bowl also for her mum.

I had a refs society zoom meeting this evening talking about how the game might resume and what we’d need to do to be ready to start again. Susan was playing her guitar while I was doing the zoom. I joined her for half an hour to play some songs together: Cat Stevens, Crowded House and Ralph McTell featured tonight.

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