A beautiful day........ 82 degrees.

There is a light breeze, but the sun is hot.  Molly and Abby asked for a short afternoon walk.....  They laid down in the grass, in the shade until they had cooled off.  I sat down in the shade with them until they were ready to get up.   We found this tree looking over a field with cattle.  i was struck by the thinness of the leaves, allowing one to see the structure of the tree.  It is raining leaves now.  All of the new buds are swelling and pushing the old leaves from last summer off.  It you look through the tips of the tree you can actually see bits of blue showing through where the leaves have thinned.
   I am going to try for a bike ride around 4 when the sun has dropped in the sky, hopping the temp will have dropped a wee bit.

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