A day in the life

By Shelling

February high

I know, this hardly qualifies as a serious blip of the day but this was the only catch today.  

I was making a video on my phone to send to fellow blipper HarlingDarling  and Keibr, just to boast about how nice and warm we have it here on my island in the south of Sweden, compared to what I think is's like 800 km north of here, where they are living. Luckily I took a picture too, the only taken today. 

The numbers you see are correct. Humidity 20%, temperature 32 degrees. Our normal temperature in February is around -5 to +8 and normally I would certainly not bring my garden furniture out, as I did today. You could argue that the thermometer is facing the sun, in a sheltered corner of the veranda so it's not a correct measure, -but it's the 27th of February! 
We'll see some frost and snow in the near future I'm sure.

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