Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH


A quite long walk for me this morning; about five miles from the village out towards Cockthorpe and then across the old airfield of RAF Langham.  The runways are still there but are now used to house these; I counted sixteen of them in total.  They contain turkeys being grown for Bernard Matthews; I dread to think how many but at one point I got downwind of them and the smell was stomach churning.  There doesn’t appear to be any natural light, and there is certainly no outside space for them.  It was eerily quiet too; apart from the constant whirr of electric motors I think I heard maybe one turkey making a noise inside.  After their life inside these they are destined to be slaughtered and after butchering the carcasses will be spun in a centrifuge to extract every last scrap of tissue, which will be squeezed through an extruder to make that great delicacy of our time, Turkey Twizzlers.

I’m no Vegan or Vegetarian but I do insist that whatever meat I eat is produced ethically.  I’m happy to say I’ve not knowingly eaten anything produced by Bernard Matthews for well over 40 years.

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