New reality day 216

This is how the weather is at some points and the picture of our backyard from yesterday is still accurate at some points.

My last day off. I've been switching curtains (and bought a new set) to more summery settings. I think that's about all I've done today. Well we did take a longer walk without the dogs. And now I'm relaxing with a movie.

Thank you so much for all the wishes yesterday. I really appreciate all the kindness and support you have been given me. 

It's hard to wait until Wednesday when I go sign the new contract. Then I'll know when I can start. I have two weeks notice period with my current contract. (I think I better double check that, actually.) So my plan is to take a week off between jobs. With the current one I would have had 2 weeks paid vacation earned and now I start from 0 again. So better be ready for a long year.

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