
By Brotographer

Life at Chandos

Thom is accumulating quite a blipstreak. C-c-c-comboooo.

In my quest to take an interesting photo for today, Stana overdressed (or should I say underdressed..?) and we went to take some street portraits. Thing is, all I had was an 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6, no off-camera lighting or tripod. Well...

I found this shot of her and Thom much better to upload. We'll go back and take some proper street portraits when its warmer and I've got suitable kit!

2000 words of my project report done after a 9am - 5pm in the Leam learning grid. Gonna do a bit more tonight and then sleep. None of this all-nighter crap. Maybe tomorrow. Shouldn't I be more stressed?


PS. I wish I had more depth of field on this shot...

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