
An early start as I was on the chauffeur service for MrT. He’s bumping along but his lack of eating is causing a concern. He knows that it’s important but he’s so off his food that he’s rapidly losing weight, and that will have results - they’ll keep him in and force feed him. He says  he’ll sweet talk them into cutting him some slack. 
So home and out again, for a spank about the bay with McC the elder - and anchoring practice. What larks. Clank clank clank. And look at that snubber! Very light and flukey winds but we still managed to regally sail back into the harbour. Huzzah!  
Later, the boat club meeting. We decide on a date for lift in - not till 5th June, calculating that we’re in tier four till 26th April so the out of town guys won’t get the OK to work on their boats till then. Then they’ll need a few weeks. Young K doesn’t let them know that the yard is already buzzing. 
Then a film on Netflix - White Tiger, chust eggsellent so it is, maybe a slight bit of flab around the middle, but a genuine Indian film (though made with a nod to western audiences) that may cut over as much as Parasite did for Korean film. 


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