Puzzle Princesses (and Prince)

Lisa and I have a limit on the number of pieces in a puzzle that we assemble. 300 pieces. I brought it up in the pool last week, and several of the women ridiculed me. One called me a lightweight, another called me "Mr. 300." 

But, when our friends Mike and Cindy brought down a 1000 piece puzzle...the gauntlet was thrown down. 1000 PIECES OR BUST! The foursome from left to right...Cindy, Cindy, Mike, and Lisa worked on it last night, and then our friend Dee came this morning to help finish it. (That's her on the right, sitting down.)

As for me and Dee's husband Tim? The Tim and Tim Express was not much help. Of the thousand pieces, I put in 5, and Tim put in 3. The 8 pieces were at least enough to put us on the Official Puzzle Finishing Team.

After the completion, the 7 of us went to an Amish-run restaurant, and it was good. The only problem? Without knowing the price, I ordered a piece of lemon meringue pie for Lisa and I to split. It too was good, but when I glanced at the bill...it was $6.25. $6.25 FOR A PIECE OF PIE? ARE YOU SERIOUS?

It almost ruined my afternoon and night. Lisa and Cindy are having to talk me down. ;0)

P.S. The puzzle was of all the LOVE postage stamps through the years. It brought back some memories of work.

Nice to visit with Michigan folks who are visiting Florida.

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