Ever so delicate.....

These tiny white flowers are scented, profuse, single or in clusters from the leaf axils and flower late summer into early autumn. They are delicate and pretty and very hard to photograph. I've been trying for days but just the slightest bit of air drifting by produces blurry results.

They are called Lacebark and are an endemic genus to NZ. The tree has smooth green-brown bark becoming mottled with age. The leaves alternate, bright green, ovoid and toothed.

Known by many names they are:
Maori name: Hoheria populnea
Other names: Ribbonwood, Houhere, Houi, Whauwhi

After working at the computer for a good part of the day, I took a stroll through my garden with a cuppa in hand. I enjoyed the coolnes of the air and the dull light meant I wasn't squinting with my eyes. Still plenty of colour with roses, dahlias, cosmos, Anemone japonicas and gazanias being the main ones still flowering. There are hints of autumn appearing with my maple tree showing signs of turning and the rhododrendrons and camelias have small buds developing, hostas are still in leaf but the colour is slowly fading.

As I type a slight breeze has picked up, its 17C and the sky is dull, probably be drawing the curtains a little earlier tonight.

Hope the week ahead is a good one blippers :)

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