The Pepper Patch

By PepperG

A Shadow of its Former Self

An Abstract Thursday quick (and not very good so I just swapped it with another - ignore the title, it's misleading) snap with the morning sun helping me find an opportunity right here in the Florida room as I sip my cup of Chai tea and think about all the "stuff" I need to get up to getting to later today ("How do I know my youth is all spent? My get and go has got up and went" - Pete Seeger).

Yesterday's second jab, (Pfizer) went well and so far no major side effects though I did have very vivid dreams last night (I was very disappointed when President Dwight Eisenhower wasn't able to tell me where I could buy the pads of preprinted sales slips (???) I was looking for).

Later today C and I will be taking our neighbor and senior (91) member of our bubble to get her first shot (about an hour drive up the road) at a drive through location in another county. I really wish the system was more consistent and available. Of the three of us there have been three different locations and providers. Mine, with a 45 minute drive, was the closest.

I've appreciated all your comments and replies to my recent journal entries and your understanding about how inconsistent I've been with wandering through your journals ... and the adventure through the viewfinder continues,

By the way - Pete finished up his song by singing "but in spite of it all I'm able to grin, and think of the places my get up has been"   

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