Journey Through Time

By Sue


Sounds a bit like a Sci-Fi movie - The Monopods are Coming! Anyway...I suggested this for a birthday present and that's what I received. So, now I have to see how this works out. This is pretty lame, and I am sorry about that. The thing isn't even turned the right way for you to see the brand. But it's getting late and it was a full day, and I'm getting tired. Dave's roommate came over and we all went out to dinner. We had a good dinner and came back to play "Clue" as this lady loves her games but had never played "Clue" before. Well, we clued her in on that game. Ouch. Yeah...I'm sorry. Anyway....we laughed and made dumb mistakes and laughed some more. Fun with Senior Citizens. Using all that charm and personality takes it's toll and I'm ready for bed! LOL

See ya later and thanks for all the kind words lately on my spring flower blips.

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