Len and his Mate Ticular

Well that's what The Boss called this sky when he turned round from walking up the lake tonight to walk down it instead. We have had quite a social weekend and sorry but the comments have suffered. The Boss says he will try for a catch up tomoro but Monday is walkies with The "B" team too. Gosh we do lead a busy life sometimes. About this time last year we were planning a trip to see Mr Lincoln (Abraham) in the US of A and it was coincidental that The B's went to the Movie "Lincoln" last night and really enjoyed it. What was amazing was the way the politics worked back then which seems exactly the same now. Nothing has changed or maybe even got a little worse so we were all grateful that NZ does not have 2 houses or such a polarised system which seems to work on "deals", lots of money and philosophy that is poles apart. At least The Boss and I are on the same wavelength most of the time and if we are not, the lead comes out and that tends to end discussion or dissention reasonably well. Well I guess that's why he is The Boss. Eh?

Bigger Len

1/1250 sec F7.3 ISO 400

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