
I made it out to the garden today, mainly moving stuff between the garage and the summerhouse. There are a few trees in flower at the moment and this is one of them. When I find my flower book I'll know what it is. However, despite the fact the garden was landscaped by professionals, there are almost no bulbs. So far I've counted about 8 snowdrops and that includes a rogue one on the lawn. I'll have to move some from 94. No sign of any daffs either but I bought 5 bunches from Margiotta tonight. And I met the neighbour of the other side. She was out gardening. I'm afraid it will be a couple of week-ends before I get to that.

Molly went out today too. Had a good sniff round but quickly scampered back in. Next door's cat was back too. Molly wasn't interested. They are so alike though in markings.

Busy day opening boxes, emptying boxes, moving boxes. The garage is more or less done as is the kitchen, although I know there is some kitchen stuff still in boxes. I listened to 'Paul Temple' on i-player. I met Gerda Stevenson last August when she was in the at the Friday night wine tastings. She plays 'Steve'. You'd never guess she was Scots!

At night, too tired to blip, I caught up on 'Call the Midwife', mainly lying in bed, having eaten and drunk too much.

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