Ghost & The Machines, London

Took this on the way into work this morning but it is now just about 10 o'clock at night and I'm too weary and achy to write my blip properly tonight. Tomorrow is tomorrow and I'll feel like I can write something more basically intelligent when I 've managed to have a good sleep!
The title came from this. "The "ghost in the machine" is British philosopher Gilbert Ryle's description of René Descartesmind-body dualism. Ryle introduced the phrase in The Concept of Mind (1949)[1] to highlight the view of Descartes and others that mental and physical activity occur simultaneously but separately.
I think we've all felt this more during the pandemic than probably at any other time. I can be doing my job or a physical activity but my brain is still running all over the place. I do find that running does quiten down the voice in my head to a good extent and the endorphins afterwards really do help but the ghosts of the past year can often appear front and centre when you least want them to. Sometimes it's just about getting through each day the best way you can and not beating yourself up too much.

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