What big ears you have!

Another Friday off, and another day with a flat panic from a client, who wanted to do something but said it was broken...! Spoke with a colleague and we looked at the program and the spreadsheet and it wasn't broken at all, in fact it was working fine, but the client hadn't trained the new user how to use it, so it was just a misunderstanding... In the end I worked a mostly normal day.

I was going to post another stamp blip, but spotted this Scutigera coleoptrata centipede just before bed, and it stayed still long enough to get a picture off it. LIke all centipedes it has an odd number of pairs of legs - 15 in this case - note that no centipede actually has 100 legs...! Apparently it's native of southern Europe but has now spread where ever there are humans as it is happy to live in our houses eating insects and such.

Some centipedes can give you a nasty bite but this one can't - though they do move quite quick so they can give you a bit of a fright... I captured it and set it free outside... On my first ever biology "field trip" we went looking for insects and given the time of year and location, pretty much the only thing we found were worms and myriapods like this - non of which are insects....

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