
By JustSally


I am re-reading a book I bought in the 1960s about a filming expedition into the Andes. It is amusing to read how they could only film so much before they had to put a new film in! How photography has changed. The pictures in the book are all in black and white which is such a pity because the Indians of South and Central America wear such vivid colours, men and women alike.
I have always been fascinated by South America, starting when we specialised in that continent in Geography at school. Then, in 1965, we were posted to Venezuela for 18 months. Although we lived in a refinery town we did manage to get out into the mountains and see a bit of the real country. Now we sponsor a little boy who lives high in the Andes in Peru.
My blip is from not South America but from Guatemala in Central America where we visited a friend a few years ago. This is part of a huipile, a blouse worn by the women. It is woven in sections on a backstrap loom, and if you view it in large you can see birds in some of the rows. Guatemala textiles are so exciting and I brought many pieces home with me, but wished I could have brought more. Imagine shopping in a village with the exotic name of Chichecastenango!

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