
Well I was up at 6.30 ready for the birthday celebrations.  A Covid case in Hijauan Kiara meant that #2 son didn't join us and Po Po and Gong Gong stayed home joining from Chamomile next door.  #3 son was still recovering from Friday's jag (and perhaps the early morning) but in addition to me there was ErYi in London, SanYi in Taiwan (two years ago I was there for her wedding) and SiYi over from Chamomile.  It was good to see them and Amelia seemed to enjoy the presents, even if she was a bit overwhelmed. I, apparently, gave her a Barbie!

After nearly two hours (mainly talking amongst ourselves and watching an empty table/sofa) it was time to head off for breakfast.  That was my take on Nasi Lemak, in honour of the family.  Then a whirl of tidying, cleaning and showering before coffee 'n chat with Y next door. That was followed by cleaning the garage fridge, ironing and printing.  This new role has really focused my mind and my outputs.

Although cloudy and quite chilly I went out and did some chopping down along the back of the garden.  In the process caught up with A over the back, for the first time in 8 years.  She is the owner of Lila and Lily the tortoiseshell and white cats that Willow stalks. I gave the holly a really good haircut and yanked out some ivy.  I reckon I now have about 2 full brown bins worth. 

Had a walk to post the cards and buy some milk at Margiotta.  I'm making kefir for the first time for ages.

This evening I am relaxing and watching tv - 'Bloodlands'. I hope I don't fall asleep.  It's been a long, busy day. 

F2F - 4
Phone calls - 0
Virtual - 1

Recovery day - 44

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