Well it works . . .

Or “The proof of the pudding . . .”
With great difficulty I managed to solder the wires to the back of the N3 socket, and it worked (see yesterday’s blip).
The proof of the pudding is in the eating, so they say, and this is the eating.  It all looks a bit ‘Heath Robinson’, but I have filled/covered the back of the socket with silicon gel which should harden up enough to protect the connections.  If all goes well I may just put a S3 (2.5 mm stereo plug) directly on the remote cable.
The replacement soldering iron turned up last night.  Today I put it to use, but all was not well, so I checked the temperature of the soldering bit.  Unfortunately the temperature control is not working, and the tip was over 460 C, so soldering the wires on the terminal took an excess of dexterity to avoid melting the socket.  The soldering iron is going back.  I will try a replacement, but if that’s faulty then they can keep that one, and it will cost me twice as much if not  more for a decent one.  I have just changed my mind and bought a soldering station - let’s hope it’s ok.
Now for a late Sunday dinner.  Sorry about commenting, I will catch up (AGAIN!!).

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