Living on the edge

A sunny but somewhat windy and chilly day made me do the shorter 3 km walk, but as a true lutheran I did it briskly. The Pond has had a rather thick layer of ice and some of it is in the shadow large parts of the day so it will be a while yet before the ice is completely gone.

I had my guitar student this morning, he is putting in a lot of work and is improving greatly. It's fun to be able to help him with his skills. As usual, I don't think I do much, just point gently in a direction I think he will find helpful. Very often I could use someone gently pointing out a helpful direction in life myself.

We're finally into the last phase of the music project I do with my Iraqi friend. Hopefully I will have it ready by tomorrow so it might be on Facebook and Youtube sometime during next week. I'll let you know.

I suppose all sorts of symbolism could be put into the title and the picture, these are peculiar times.

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