Battered bullfinch

This poor bird bashed into the kitchen window and needed a few minutes R&R before talking a short walk, then flying off.

The morning stayed sunny. My mother used to get busy spring-cleaning around this time of year. Being a follower of the Quentin Crisp philosophy on dust, it is not an activity I have engaged in. However the sun did highlight the issue so I set too. But before any desultory dusting could be done there was a lot of clutter to be tidied up/thrown away.

2 pairs of broken sunglasses
a pot of congealed nail varnish
A pkt Paracetamol
Assorted scarves
A pile of books
A pair of scissors and a half-made face mask
A notebook where I’d written my daily food/drink intake - I might start that again as monitoring the cheese and wine indulgences might be a good idea (some day).
And a lot more

After making soda bread I went out to meet Chris. It took me an hour to reach the red road - she was already making steady progress to meet me. Rex managed to cover my trousers in muddy pawmarks in greeting me. We walked a little way up the hill then back down to her car. I went home via Blue Mill, the moor and top carriage drive. 10.5 km, over 16,000 steps.

Just as well we didn’t drive up the valley to Alwinton on Sunday. A friend told Chris that 2 police cars were there and cars were getting notices left on the windscreen. I wonder if they were being told to stay alert or go home. Apparently the chief medical adviser is predicting another wave of Covid with thousands of more deaths.

Ella texted me last night about her first day back at school. I hope her parents did not see her lunch choice!

“Hello Granny I had pizza for lunch and chocolate cake for pudding at school . In the afternoon we made potions and we had to put in stuff like self belief but Miss Bell made a real potion that was bubbly and smelt yummy. When we did Art we drew a rainbow and wrote what we are thankful for and we also got cotton wool for clouds. After school we played with Mari and Morag out in the street.
Ella (I love you Granny).”

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