wild & precious life

By IrwellRiver


I'm sorry to moan today - not really staying true to my own Blip mission statement of 'looking for the positives' each day. It's just there is so much rubbish around everywhere, especially on my dog walks in the woods where I find I keep picking up cans, packages and masks!!! (Obviously I do this safely!) It seems like this is another consequence of lockdown and I suspect it could get worse now that picnics are legal and once groups are allowed to meet outdoors again. It saddens me as I think it shows some people's general attitudes to our environment.

Well, this is where I was standing with the dogs, waiting, whilst hubby popped into the local co-op. Lots of meetings and tasks earlier on in the day. Later, I caught up on the news and was intrigued by the reaction to Harry & Megan's interview. Why can't we be kind and compassionate to one another, hear one another out & respond with empathy? Thank goodness Blip is a space like that :-)

Thanks for listening. Normal service will resume tomorrow.

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