There Is A User After All

On This Day In History
2011: The Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami occurred

Quote Of The Day
"Industry is best at the intersection of science and art."
(Edwin Land)

In 1982, two landmark S.F. movies were released. Both of these films had epic electronic scores, and both of those scores were destined to travel an extremely controversial road before being released to the public.

It was not until 1997, on the 25th anniversary of the release of Blade Runner, that Vangelis' mind-blowing soundtrack was finally released by its composer. Meanwhile, TRON fans would have to wait until 2001 before Wendy Carlos' epic electronic score finally became available on CD. Unfortunately, within months of being released, Disney stopped producing the CD. Most fans, like me, had probably given up all hope of seeing this score released in its proper form and had no idea that it had finally become available. Luckily, a few days ago, an electronic music website that I subscribe to linked to this TRON Suite and, through that, I discovered a copy of the limited 2001 release which I immediately ordered from Amazon and which arrived today. 

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