Mother's Day Card!

7°C  -  26 mph WSW Wind Speed  -  36 mph Gusts  -  Cloudy with Sunny Intervals. Happy start to quite a sunny day  -  one of my letters had a Guernsey postmark on it!  Who could it be from?  I don't know anyone in Guernsey.  It turned out to be a Mother's Day card from my son who is stuck in Spain at the moment.  Because he wasn't sure of how speedy the Spanish mail is these days, he sent it via Moonpig.  When I told my neighbour about it she said a lot of people will be using Moonpig because the card shops are shut.  I googled Moonpig and I might even use it myself if I'm stuck for a card in the future  -  here's their URL if you're interested!

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