My Sister and Me!

6°C  -  26 mph WSW Wind Speed  -  34 mph Gusts  -  Cloudy with Sunny Intervals.  Another surprise today  -  a lovely box of chocolates from my little sister to cheer me up!  My blip is the two of us together when we were a bit younger. We are wearing my favourite real Fair Isle jumpers and probably Stewart tartan kilts. I can’t remember other kids being dressed like that, but my mother was Welsh and she probably thought that was how you dressed children in Scotland. Or maybe the Laird’s wife told her that’s how you dressed them☺☺!!  As children of an estate employee we were the recipients of quite a few of her children’s cast-me-downs. Here I am wearing Miss Prudence’s.  Yes, even though she was the same age as me I had to address her as ‘Miss Prudence’, and curtsey!   I hope that’s not the case these days!!!  Later she became a Lady-in-Waiting to the Queen Mother, so she must’ve been quite a lady!  Ah well, those were the days!  Think I’ll have another chocolate now  -  thank you, Jean☺

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