
By Transitoire

Les chiots et les chatons

...en particulier les chiots. More on this later!

Little lie-in, Skype with the parents before heading off into town to meet Baptiste (pictured looking rather fetching in sunglasses and a bonnet) for un café or two. He has been looking into where he could do his ERASMUS year as he is studying art and can only go to universities that are linked with his own. Luckily it turns out that he could end up going to Liverpool, which would be perfect for me to be able to see him! I've insisted that he comes and visits at some point before he decides that this is the place he wants to spend the year...there is a definite vibe to Liverpool which you either get or you don't I think. Bar that we spoke on varied topics as ever, and generally just caught up on the day to day life. With Baptiste I start to forget that I am speaking in a different language, and although I was still pretty tired from travelling yesterday I don't think I did too badly in remembering words!

I then went and met Emily...and we had a really hard decision between getting a coffee, or going to a puppy and kitten fair. Yes, you heard right...a puppy and kitten fair. So off we trotted, and wanted to buy pretty much every single animal we looked at. And possibly the best thing about the entire were allowed to pet them all!! Vive la France! I think we went round to each stall at least three or four times, and neither of us could decide our they were all just so cute, and so fluffy. I probably should have taken some sort of photographs at this point, but to be completely honest I was just so caught up in the cuteness of the moment and the thought of getting my camera out just didn't occur to me! I really want a pet, if not to take photographs of just to have something to welcome me home at night. Adorable. Oh, and it was also really awesome to spend time with Emily, and get to know her a little better than the last time we met...she really is lovely, and I'm glad that we shared a mutual friend in Shwetabh. Definitely an event that should occur again (the meeting up and doing stuff, not the puppy and kitten fair. Although saying that, I would welcome it again!)

Although I could have headed to the cinema with Becky and Kendra, I decided I needed to head home. For two reasons really, one because my leg was really starting to ache and I didn't want to risk it, and two because I hadn't actually packed my case for tomorrow when I head to Bordeaux to visit my friend Hugo! Yey for more travelling tomorrow, although I am more than excited to see him again and to experience the South of France...

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