Tonto McDuff

By TontoMcDuff

Welcome to Callander

Off to Callander to pick up GG, who's on the final leg of her journey home, and parked up in the main car-park.

Mrs. T headed over to the public toilets only to be told that they were just closing.

"But it's only 5.00 o'clock" she said.

"I only get paid til 5" says the warden as he heads to his car. "You can use the disabled one, as long as you close the door when you're finished." As there was a bit of a queue we head for the nearest hotel instead.

Now, we then went off for a quick walk with the dog leaving GG in the car, parked in a disabled spot close to the toilets, with her blue badge on display.

When we got back there was a right to-do going on.

An old lady with a stick was being berated across the car-park by an old man in a baseball cap. Her apparent crime was to abuse the local disabled-toilet-key policy - she'd allowed a young boy to use it too. Baseball Cap was actually getting quite abusive and pointing out that she'd have them all get their keys taken off them. He'll report her!

This was too much and words had to be said. "Calm down, it's only a toilet" said Mrs. T, who then became the object of his anger. There then followed a discussion about able-bodied people using disabled toilets and parking spaces, before Basball Cap went to drive off. Yes, you've guessed it no blue badge on his car!

Of course he was more than happy for me to take his picture.

Mrs. T reckons that men should not wear baseball caps over a certain age. Any who do are always trouble. And so it seems.

Really glad we met him though, as my other shots of the day were a bit disappointing.


Can I also say a big thank you to everyone who visited me on my 100th yesterday. You folks are something special.

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