Dawn's Journal

By DawnP

Another New Toy!

Yesterday I took delivery of a new toy which I wasn't expecting until at least next week ... a Pluto camera trigger with water droplet valve!

So today was the time to try it out.

Challenge 1: Set up the flash ... umm ... it didn't want to play the game. Eventually a new set of batteries (and digging out the manual!) solved most of those issues.

Challenge 2: Water and electronics don't mix ... so how to safely set-up to avoid watery accidents.  A dig around the garden uncovered an old cat litter tray - perfect.  A sundae glass was used to catch the water drops as it provded a stable base which was just about taller than the sides of the tray.

Challenge 3: I had forgotten to order a camera cable to fire the trigger ... fortunately the one on my current camera trigger solved that one.

Challenge 4: Secure the valve.  I had problems getting the "magic arm" to tighten properly (have only now, the next day, solved that one - my error, but some instructions would have helped!) 

There were many more challenges on the way and it was probably a couple of hours or more before I could start taking images, which left little time to play!

This is one of the last I managed to take ... the extra is one of the first.  I need to adjust the flash power or exposure as the out of camera shots were very dark, and the focus is not quite there, but as first attempts I am very pleased and anticipate a lot of time filling sessions to come!

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