My little chef

How do you like your eggs in the morning?

This is Lincoln's favourite dress up.

It's been a good day so far. This morning I sent away five paintings. And then I went a four mile walk with my neighbour. It's so good just to get out with a grown adult and have decent conversations.

I went and chose my mother's Day gift . Apologies to the non meat eaters but I chose a T-bone steak. I have that about once a year. And I must admit that I can cook a good steak. I like mines medium rare. I don't eat a lot of meat but this is a treat.

We have just came back from a park. It's a decent walk for the Wildlings. Takes about half an hour for them and then they had a good play. It was freezing. They where wrapped up in their waterproofs. I'm now making them a late dinner. And I'm behind on journals. I shall catch up.
Thanks for all your star's and comments. One of these days I will get round to replying to everyone. Maybe when the Wildlings are older and I have more time . Hope it's been a good day. Xx

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