Mothering Sunday

Mothering Sunday today in the UK- you either celebrate it or you don’t. My family does and I like to think it is genuine love and appreciation of my role in their lives that prompts the cards and phone calls, although I do think my daughters are all better mothers than I ever was.

I was intrigued when Glasgow daughter told me that Ewan aged 7 asked her what ‘smack’ meant. In mitigation, Your Honour, it wasn’t outlawed in Scotland in the 60s and 70s.

My blip is a collage of flower bouquets sent from 3 daughters. #4 daughter arrived in person with lilies but they arrived too late to make the cut while daughter #2 gave me gin which will marry very well with the Easter eggs in an iconic Cadbury’s tin from David and Luca.

It almost felt as if life had returned to normal again today, seeing and hearing from all the children. .......except...... it’s not normal to have to stand outside on the freezing patio.

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