A Walk on the Wild Side

It was the sunshine that persuaded me to walk round Arthur’s Seat this morning. To get there I took a dander down the Royal Mile which was deserted of anyone local far less the usual hordes of tourists. I hadn’t realised just how many Closes there are on the stretch down to Holyrood. On the other times I have done this walk, it has been the case of trying not to bump into people rather than noticing all the interesting entries on the way.

There were lots of people also enjoying the road round the Hill, joggers and cyclists testing their fitness. It’s quite a push to run or cycle the route- I know from experience, but today it was a leisurely stroll taking in the views from the Bass Rock to the Pentlands and back to a view of the Old Town which never fail to impress.

Despite the sunshine, there was a stiff cold, breeze blowing from the west and it was good get home and warm up with a coffee.

A surfeit of rugby looms this afternoon.

( the extra is The Canongate Kirk on the Royal Mile)

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