Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom


Same Shot, Different Day ;-)

This was taken this morning, about 12 hours after yesterday's blip.  There's more snow in my extra taken a few hours later and even more now!  Measuring away from the drifts it looks like we have about 14 inches right now and it could continue for another 6 hours.  The meteorologists were right!  This could be in the top 10 biggest snow storms in Colorado.

So, none of our snow has been shoveled yet.  Darrin couldn't get out of his driveway.  I watched our neighbor repeatedly get his 4WD pick-up stuck in the street before he finally just gave up and parked it.  We can worry about getting rid of the snow tomorrow when it has stopped falling.  I went out to the birdfeeder this morning to brush off snow and put seeds on a tray for the poor juncos and tree sparrows who are ground feeders.  The snow was too deep for them to forage.  Since then it has disappeared under new snow and the feeder is covered with snow again.  I'll go out and clear it again soon.

Our temperature has hovered right around freezing all day so the snow is very wet and heavy.  I hate the idea of shoveling it but I'm grateful for all the moisture we're getting.  Once this storm moves out and the snow melts everything will be bursting into bloom. :-))

Thank you to everyone for your visits and for stars and hearts.  I really appreciate all of them!

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