Kirkcudbright Bay

Today's the day ................... to indulge

This is such a lovely view, isn’t it? 
Well it is, if you are at all interested in geology because it really is a very fine exposure of the sedimentary bedrock of Silurian age found in these parts.  And if that last sentence has completely left you cold – look away now, because I am going to indulge myself in a bit more geological detail.
They are rocks exposed along the east side of Kirkcudbright Bay and they are from the Ross Formation (part of the Hawick Group), dating back some 423 to 428 million years. The Ross Formation is dominated by layers of turbidite sandstones with sporadic mudstone inter-beds, alternating with more thinly bedded sandstone. Some of the coarse-grained sandstone beds contain small shelly fossils such as crinoid ossicles, brachiopods and solitary corals. Graptolites are relatively common.
Sends shivers up the spine – doesn’t it ..................?!

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