Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

More garden

It's all coming to life, these were some very tatty primula that I picked up in the bargain corner last year. I planted them in the tops of the pots with my bills. Looking nice and cheerful.

I'm trying hard to be cheerful after the news today.
A & S put off their wedding last summer till this July, the venue then cancelled the date this July till July 2022, as they need to make the building fit for purpose again. Not daunted, at the end of last year, they booked a ceremony for next month, 10th April 2021, then lockdown happened... They decided to go ahead even although only 5 people were allowed to be there. So those 5 are the Celebrant, the couple and two witnesses, in this case the two mums. This means that Colin can't be there as well.
Things started to look up though and we had hoped that today this would be changed to allow at least the same as the 20 people allowed to attend funerals.
We don't want a party (well we do but accept that can't happen), we just want to both be there to see our daughter married.
Ironically we will be in the same church the Sunday before and also the very next day with 49 others. We just can't both be there for the wedding on the Saturday though.
So that's where we are just now.............
Keep safe everybody, don't take any risks

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