Bread and milk for breakfast

Bread and milk for breakfast
And woollen frocks to wear
And a crumb for robin red breast
On the cold days of the year

Christina Rossetti, who also wrote “In Bleak Mid Winter.

This is one of Susan’s favourite short poems that she used to use at school and inspired the painting that provides today’s blip. It’s a tiny painting, 6”x6”, so some of the detail is very tiny indeed. Thanks to Cathy1947 for hosting.

In other news, I co-led the third of four online zoom training sessions on essential digital skills which was most enjoyable. Susan meanwhile, was working away with her sewing machine practicing free hand machine embroidery.

We went for a dismal walk in the rain for the purpose of calling in at Aldi for a few supplies and that about sums up the day apart from a little strumming and plucking of stringed instruments after dinner

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