Happy St Patrick's ......

....... DAY!

My interpretation of the Irish Flag. Hope you're all having a great day over there & over here.
This morning just flew by, I was researching something which took me this way and that, before you know it the morning has gone.
My intention was to walk or rather stroll, hey ho, it's raining now . So maybe latter if rain doesn't continue to stop play!
I'm concerned about the decision not to use the Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine, just hope this won't cause the Pandemic to continue( especially on the continent ). Do hope there will be a satisfactory decision soon.
The temperature is gradually rising let's hope it continues, I really need a bit of warmth!
Do have a safe and calm day folks.

Thoughtful ..... of those across the water (& here ) that would like to celebrate and still restricted. Of course St David's Day was the same. I've only just thought of it tho'.

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