A neighbouring village

We set off today to do a recce for a walk we are going to lead for our walking group when we are allowed, after April 12th we think. I no longer organise the walks so can contribute a bit more on leading a few. It was the same walk we did the weekend before last but we timed it and made a note of the mileage. The actual walk was 6.5 miles but we are 3/4 mile from the start point so in total we walked 8 miles and it felt like it. It was a beautiful morning, a little hazy and I even removed my jacket. Even better, now the children have returned to school, the route was very quiet except for the section at the end along our local sea front which can’t be avoided. A lot of people were taking advantage of the sunshine and sitting on benches having their lunch as we passed. I sowed the first of my tomato, cucumber and pepper seeds today in my new heated propagator which is in the greenhouse. I am hopeful for earlier plants this year.

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