Relaxing at the Bungalow.

My Humans are back at the helm. They are all refreshed after a very nice weekend away. We went together to see the sheep this morning, taking the labradors with us. Then my Man Human had to go over to the Bungalow as the back up Human is having some problems with the chimney. The back up has finished her nightshifts but didn't get much chance to sleep today. We left before the plasterer arrived to finish off at the side of the new door. I was a bit disappointed this afternoon when my Man Human let my fire go out but he did light it again once he worked out what I was trying to tell him. A bit more work required retraining him! The ladies are off out to see Precilla Queen of the Desert at the theatre, if the Back Up can stay awake.

The blip is me relaxing helping at the Bungalow, Luv Ginnie Xx.

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