Look at the snow drops you guys.

Went to see the sheep this morning and then brought all the expectant Ladies home. I supervised the Humans during this operation. It was nice and sunny so I sat about outside for a while. On one of the trips home with the sheep I noticed that the snowdrops in the wood looked particularly pretty and decided to take my friends to see them this afternoon. I went for a long walk with Cali , Dan, the Back up Human and my Lady human. Then I went another walk to the snowdrops with Yodi, Sweepie, Tikka, the Back up Human and my man Human

The blip is of our visit to see the snowdrops in Bairbains wood. My friends spent most of the time looking at the Humans. I just couldn't get over the beauty of that simple flower. Tired now after my extra walks, Luv Ginnie Xx.

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